An idea to create Sculpted Painting Moving in Time powered by something other then a controlled moving light source occurred to Janusz while working on his invention. He observed his painting changing while exposed to the sun light and realized he can create a new medium using the sun itself. Sun Powered Painting is a …
Gilewicz created a series of caricatures, primarily in New York City, using a subject’s distinctive features, or peculiarities, to impart exaggerated effects as the individual appeared on the street, in a club, restaurant, or at home. Most of the caricatures were drawn in public places, such as in bars, on trains, in restaurants, and in …
Gilewicz describes his “Visionary” works as very “personal and meditative.” These creations have been evolving throughout his painting career with movement toward more spiritual and uplifting themes beginning in the late 1990s. Then, he began a pronounced departure from darker imagery that was evident in the work he created during his 20s and 30s. Gilewicz …
After living in Japan from 1992 through 1995, Gilewicz’ interior designs began to reflect the minimalist tendencies of Japanese art with its emphasis on simplicity, ergonomics and beauty. While in the Orient, he learned the importance of creating interiors in harmony with the personal dynamic of his clients. To arrive at that state he used …
Gilewicz’ early fascination with surrealistic art was an inspiration for a series of paintings created in the late 1990’s. Many of the paintings were sold to newspapers, art magazines, on the streets of New York City in Soho to passersby, or were re-produced on clothing and clothing accessories.
“Body Painting” was a collaborative effort between New York artists Maki Fujita, a dancer, model and choreographer, Fred George, a photographer, Jacob Livshultz, a video-grapher, Kaori Kayo, a painter, and Yanusz Gilewicz. The concept involved the use of a human torso as the canvas for Gilewicz’ paintings. Beginning with an enhanced projection on Fujita, the …